The Beautifully Possible: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Crescent Cove
Last week I had the honor of speaking at Crescent Cove's Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the a residential respite and hospice home for...

Crescent Cove to Open: A Special Resource for Children and Families
This month I had the pleasure of being invited to co-write an article with Ted Bowman, an internationally recognized grief and family...

Palliative WHAT? understanding the team that keeps my son out of the hospital
"While palliative can be a word heard frequently in the medical field, it’s one that is often misunderstood and unnecessarily concerning...

5 Minutes that Changed My Life for the Better
This week, for the first time, I had the opportunity to be a guest blogger. (wow!) Pediatric Home Service (PHS) is a home health care...

The Surprises of 2015
At the end of 2014, I was invited to speak at the Minnesota Network of Hospice and Palliative Care's (MNHPC) Fundraiser. The invitation...

Nowhere to die
Today the Star Tribune, an award willing regional newspaper, featured a story on Crescent Cove and our son Levi on the cover of the...

Visiting a Dying Friend
My friend Julie says it best "Six year old boys should be worried about where they left their favorite lego figurines... Parents of six...