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Announcing Levi's Life Celebration

We invite you to join us on Sunday, March 12th to celebrate the life and passing of our seven year old son, Levi Shu. This will be a family-friendly gathering.

We will begin at 3:30pm with an interactive, contemplative stations-of-the-cross style journey. A time for us to grieve, remember, celebrate, and share our collective stories about Levi.

A worship celebration service will follow; a time for us to honor the Lord for His transformative gifts of grace, mercy, and love poured out through Levi's life.

After the service, we welcome you to stay for refreshments and fellowship with the gathered community.

Levi's name means United in Harmony.

We pray the unity we have experienced as a community in Levi's life and death, will continue to resonate among and beyond us.

Sunday, March 12th, 2017


Salem Covenant Church

2655 5th Street Northwest

New Brighton, MN 55112

RSVP recommended

Please note: the purpose of this rsvp is to simply get an idea of how many people plan to attend Levi's Life Celebration. This will help us plan accordingly.

Memorial Gifts:

Donations in lieu of flowers can be made to the Shu Family to help cover memorial costs.

Thank You

To each of you who have send us messages, meals, gifts and prayers. We are so very grateful for your kindness and generosity during this most very difficult time.

We have not only lost the presence of our dear son Levi, we have also lost the rhythm of our lives. The coming and going of the community of caregivers, therapists, and educators in and out of our home at all hours. All of whom have become friends. Levi's needs, therapies, schedules, and personality guided and anchored our days. We feel very much adrift within an ocean of endless time.

We welcome your continued kindness and generosity, today and well beyond Levi's Life Celebration gathering.

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